
Speak Up!®

 Help keep students safe on campus & online

15% of college students reported being bullied & 22% reported being cyberbullied

Powered by information technologists with over 40 years experience in hardware and software solutions, Speak UP!® is an international company that provides schools an opportunity to prevent the abuse and bullying that takes place on and off the internet.

Indiana State University Study, 2011

36% of college students say they wouldn't report a hazing incident primarily because "there's no one to tell."

Alfred University Study, Dr. Norm Pollard, Dre. Elizabeth Allen, et al, 1999

6 out of 10 teenagers say they see bullying happen at school at least once a day.

National crime Prevention council, 2003

62% of female college students reported having been sexually harassed at their university

The American association of University Women, 2006

more than half of rapped college women tell no one of their victimization

U.S. Department of Justice

About Us

When students anonymously report incidents through the web or phone app, they are not only helping the innocent victims of bullying and cyberbullying but they are also empowering themselves by standing up for others and for themselves.

Our App, your solution

Frequently Asked Questions